1. The art of Racing in the rain (Read: 2016)
  2. The joy luck club
  3. The Brave new world
  4. Outliers – Malcolm Gladwell (Read: 2016)
  5. Mein Kampf (Read: 2016)
  6. Anna Karenina – Tolstory
  7. Crime and Punishment
  8. The catcher in the rye (Read: 2016)
  9. The Signal and the noise
  10. A winter’s tale (Read: 2016)
  11. The glass bead game – Hermann Hesse
  12. To Kill a mockingbird
  13. Grapes of wrath
  14. My country and my people
  15. A history of the English Speaking Peoples By Winston Churchill
  16. Lolita (New: 2016)